Now, of course—in my mind, at least—season seven is being primed for a “Who’s the father of Brie’s child?” Obviously Brie is not pregnant—yet—but she slept with Mike and Brady back-to-back. At one point at the end of the season, Brie’s parents hint that they want grandkids.
No comment. [Laughs] But gosh, wouldn’t that be something? I think if the baby comes out with a leather jacket, we know it’s Brady’s, right?
Absolutely. So, if Brady is about to become a father…
Oh my gosh, this is so hypothetical!
I know.
I am there for it, though. Even just seeing how Brady steps up for Hazel because he doesn’t want to have any child live with the way he grew up, which is without parents. So even if the child was Mike’s…oh God, that would be so hard. And this is hypothetical, just reminding everyone. We’re not going to be making crazy news here about season seven in this piece. I won’t lose my job over a season-seven storyline that doesn’t exist. But with that said, I think that would make for some good drama.
Speaking of good drama, I was shocked in the finale when Mike proposes to Brie and not only did she admit she slept with Brady, but he says, “I know.”
I also was shocked, because it wasn’t written that way.
How was it written?
It was written that she admits she slept with Brady, but then that was it. The “I know ” wasn’t there in the script, originally. So when I was watching an early screener of the episode and Mike says, “I know,” I was like, “What? Did I miss a revision or something?” They shot it two different ways. Now with it set up like this, it can play itself out in multiple ways. But holy shit, right?
Yes, indeed. Part of me was also stunned that Mike knew, but then again, they were practically telling everyone in town, so of course he knew.
It’s Virgin River. Internet slow, gossip fast. [Laughs]
And why would Mike still want to propose and marry Brie if he knows she slept with Brady?
Right. I feel like it played like desperation. It was Mike’s last hope of not having her drift away. I don’t know if Brady would’ve had a similar reaction if the roles were reversed. If the tables were turned, Brady would’ve probably found Mike pretty quickly and had a discussion with him about it.